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Pennsylvania congressional boundaries (Act 34)

United States Congressional legislative boundaries within Pennsylvania as set forth in Act 34 of 2002. This layer was digitized by PADOT from maps generated by the Reapportionment Commission for the Bureau of Commissions, Elections and Legislation Pennsylvania Dept. of State. These boundaries were used as the legislative district boundaries for the November 2002 general election and are currently being contested in the judicial system. The current layers are these same district boundary linework attributed with the current legislator's name, party affiliation and home county.

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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

Pennsylvania county boundaries

County boundaries within Pennsylvania as delineated for the PennDOT Type 10 general highway map.

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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

Pennsylvania engineering district boundaries

Public information and support for transportation planning, design and development.

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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

Pennsylvania municipality boundaries

Boundaries of municipalities within Pennsylvania as delineated for the PennDOT Type 10 general highway maps. Additional information comes from the Pennsylvania Bureau of Municipal Services. This layer contains all classifications of municipality including first and second class townships, boroughs, cities and the town.

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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

Pennsylvania school districts

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Planning and Research, Cartographic Information Division

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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

Pennsylvania senatorial boundaries

State senate boundaries within Pennsylvania attributed with names of legislators and party affiliations.

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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

Pennsylvania state boundary

The boundary of the Commonwealth as delineated for the PennDOT Type 10 general highway map.

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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

Pennsylvania state house district boundaries

State House boundaries within Pennsylvania attributed with names of legislators and party affiliations.

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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

Pennsylvania urban area boundary

Urban area boundaries within Pennsylvania based on U.S Census Bureau maps.

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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

Planning Agencies Boundaries (MPO/RPO)

Planning Agencies Boundaries - All Pennsylvania Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and Rural Planning Organizations (RPOs) Boundaries

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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) for Pennsylvania

The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), developed by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN), contains information about physical and cultural geographic features in the United States and associated areas, both current and historical, but not including roads and highways. The database also contains geographic names in Antarctica. The database holds the Federally recognized name of each feature and defines the location of the feature by state, county, USGS topographic map, and geographic coordinates. Other feature attributes include names or spellings other than the official name, feature designations, feature class, historical and descriptive information, and for some categories of features the geometric boundaries. The database assigns a unique feature identifier, a random number, that is a key for accessing, integrating, or reconciling GNIS data with other data sets. The GNIS is our Nation's official repository of domestic geographic feature names information.

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U S Geological Survey