Created from the original PPR_Buildings, PPR_Assets, PPR_Boundaries shapefiles (Philadelphia Parks and Recreation). Through meetings and outside sources, this layer was updated manually. Some sources include: Philadelphia Parks and Recreation, Philadelphia Water Department (shapefiles provided), OPA Web Source, and CPO ownership tables. The layer includes all properties and buildings owned and/or managed by Philadelphia Parks and Recreation. Several Fields below are classified as domains. Please see additional content below for this information.-Data Development:Polygons from both PPR_Buildings, PPR_Boundaries, and PPR_Assets were mergedCreated new attribute fields in order to include the ones listed in "key attributes"Several meetings with Philadelphia Parks and Recreation staff occured in order to create a more readable and clear system for all usersManual data entry occured frequentlyEdited several polygons to ensure the most up to date property linesData sources include: Philadelphia Parks and Recreation, Philadelphia Water Department (shapefiles provided), OPA Web Source, and CPO ownership tables-Key Attributes:DOMAIN FIELDS ARE WRITTEN IN BOLDAsset Name: Name of building, structure, or land asset. All records have an entry.Site Name: Name in which multiple asset names at a single facility may be grouped. This field could also be seen as the polygon which lies inside of a facility polygon. For example, the Vogt recreation center building falls within the Vogt Recreation Center land area. All records have an entry.Child Of: Site in which the "Site Name" Field record lies within. Not all records have this entry.Address: The address of the park or recreation center. Not all records have this entry.Type: Classification of Asset by land, building, or structure. All records have an entry.Use: The primary use of the Asset. All records have an entry.Acreage:Acreage of a land Asset. Only land (facility) Assets records have this entry.Zipcodes: Philadelphia Zipcode which the Asset falls within. All records have an entry.Allias: Another name that an Asset my be refered to. Not all records have this entry.Chronology: Year in which Asset was built or founded.Notes: Additional field to apply any notes about asset that can not be categorized in any other field.Date Edited: Date in which the Asset was last edited. This field was created to ensure data accruacy and updates needed or varified. All records have an entry.-Domains: The domain information can be found within the geodatabase of the PPR_Assets_2015 feature class.Use:B1 Athletic, B2 Barn, B3 Batting Cage, B52 Boathouse, B4 Community Park, B6 Concessiongs\Retal\Cafe, B47 Dugout, B8 Environmental Education Center, B53 Farm, B10 Garage\Maintenance\Storage, B56 Gardens, B46 Golf, B11 Greenhouse\Nursary, B51 Guard Box, B13 Historic House, B14 Ice Rink, B15 Linear Park\Parkway, B16 Lot\Breezeway\Island, B17 Metropolitan Park, B18 Mini Park, B55 Multi-Use Area, B38 Multi-Use Bldg, B20 Museum, B21 Neighborhood Park, B22 Older Adult Center, B23 Other (Not Recommended), B25 Pavilion\Shelter, B27 Pool, B49 Pumping Station, B28 Recreation Bldg, B29 Recreation Center, B30 Recreation Site, B32 Regional\Watershed Park, B33 Restrooms, B34 Shed, B37 Square\Plaza, B38 Stables, B39 Stage\Stands, B40 Statue\Monument\Sculpture, B43 Watershed\Conservation Park, B54 Weigh Station, B44 Youth & Tot\Play Areas, B45 Zoo HabitatDescription: C7 Baseball Field, C11 Bocce Courts, C10 Disc Golf, C1 Golf Course, C2 Golf Driving Range, C3 Historic Building, C6 Historic Structure, C9 Hockey Rink, C4 Multi-Use Bldg, C8 Multi-Use Sports Field, C14 Performance Venue, C12 Recycling Center, C5 Regional\Watershed, C13 Tennis CourtsType: G1 Building, G2 Land, G3 StructureFormer Department: J1 Fairmount Park, J2 Dept of Recreation, J3 Both - PPROwner: I1 PPR, I2 City, I3 Other (Not Recommended), I4 ?, I5 School DistrictCourts: D1 Multiple, D2 Single, D3 NoneFields: A1 Multiple, A2 Single, A3 NonePlay Equipment: E1 2-5, E2 5-12, E3 Both, E4 NoneIce Rinks: M1 None, M2 SinglePool: F2 Indoor, F3 Outdoor, F4 NoneSpray Grounds: L1 Single, L2 NoneEdited By: K1 Nora Dougherty, K2 Vanessa Miller, K3 Regina Stine, K4 Andy Viren-Coordinate System:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD83, PA South Stateplane coordinates, US Foot.-Thematic Mapping:If necessary use the Asset Name field for mapping and labeling