Under Fugro’s direction, acquisition was performed by Fugro’s approved ID/IQ subcontractor RC&A. RC&A collected Riegl-derived LiDAR over York and Lancaster Counties, Pennsylvania with 0.7 meters NPS using a twin engine aircraft. Data was collected when environmental conditions meet the criteria specified. To be specific, the following conditions existed prior to launch of the aircraft: 1) Cloud and fog-free between the aircraft and ground, 2) Snow free, 3) No unusual flooding or inundation, and 4) Leaf off. The collection for the entire project area was accomplished on November 25 and December 1, 4, 7, 19, 26, and 27, 2014; 148 flight lines were acquired in 11 lifts. Lift 141125_863_14001100_01 comprised of 22 flight lines (1 through 22), lift 141125_863_14001100_02 comprised of 14 flight lines (23 through 34, 141, and 142), lift 141201_863_14001100_03 comprised of 3 flight lines (143 through 145), lift 141204_863_14001100_04 comprised of 16 flight lines (35 through 49, and partial re-flight of line 22 flown on lift 1), lift 141204_863_14001100_05 comprised of 14 flight lines (50 through 63), lift 141207_863_14001100_06 comprised of 10 flight lines (64 through 73), lift 141207_863_14001100_07 comprised of 11 flight lines (131 through 138 and 146 through 148), lift 141207_863_14001100_08 comprised of 13 flight lines (74 through 85 and 140), lift 141219_863_14001100_09 comprised of 15 flight lines (86 through 100), lift 141226_863_14001100_10 comprised of 18 flight lines (114 through 130 and 139), and lift 141227_863_14001100_11 comprised of 13 flight lines (101 through 113). The collection was performed using a Riegl Q-680i LiDAR system, serial number 863.