Data Summary

Digitized Mined Areas

2025 - Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

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Coal mining has occurred in Pennsylvania for over a century. This dataset tries to identify the areas of the various coal seams in Pennsylvania that have been extracted by various underground mining techniques. This information can be used for many environmental related issues, including mine land reclamation and determination of needs for Mine Subsidence Insurance. The information in this dataset was gathered from digitizing the area of extracted coal identified on historic and modern underground mine maps. The maps to these coal mines are stored at many various public and private locations (if they still exist at all) throughout the commonwealth, they have been scanned to create a digital archive, and georeferenced to their approximate location for use in a geographic information system (GIS). The dataset is continuously updated as new maps are processed and is not considered “completed”, i.e. just because an area in Pennsylvania is not identified in this dataset as mined, does not mean the area was not mined.