Data Summary

Outdoor Recreation Access: 10-Minute Walk

2020 - Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

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This dataset can help inform park and trailhead planning by identifying areas with the greatest need for outdoor recreation opportunities. It calculates 10-minute walk “service areas” around open-access lands and trailheads in Pennsylvania. Regions outside these service areas are defined as low, medium, or high need based on population density, youth density, and low-income households. Open-access land data came from PA Conserved Land and Explore PA Local Parks, while trailhead data came from Explore PA Trails. The Trust for Public Land produced this dataset to support Pennsylvania’s 2020-2024 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). This dataset was financed in part by a grant from the Community Conservation Partnerships Program, Environmental Stewardship Fund, under the administration of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation.