Data Summary

Infrastructure Report Geodatabase - Infrastructure pad sites on state forest land as of December 2012

2014 - Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

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Infrastructure pad sites on state forest land as of December 31, 2012. This dataset was used in part to develop the Bureau of Forestry’s Shale Gas Monitoring Report (released April 2014). This feature class represents any pads related to gas development and is not limited to natural gas wellhead pads only. The Bureau of Forestry considers any hardened non-linear surface related to shale gas development to be a pad for monitoring purposes. This feature class contains the best available data as of 12/31/2012. Pad Type Code Values: 1=Gas Well, 2=Road ROW, 3=Pipeline, 4=Compressor, 5=Freshwater Impoundment, 6=Water Withdraw, 7=Storage, 8=Stone Pit/Quarry, 9=Meter/Valve/Tap, 10=Monitoring, 11=Oil Well, 12=Oil and Gas Well. April 2014 Shale Gas Monitoring Report Infrastructure