Data Summary

PAMAP Program - Topographic Contours (2 ft Interval)

2006 - 2008 - DCNR PAMAP Program

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This dataset, provided by the PAMAP Program, consists of vectors used to classify LiDAR points and aesthetically enhance contour lines. The vectors are commonly delineated along features such as road edges, railroads, bridge decks, double line hydro (20' wide and greater), lakes and ponds, swamps and marshes, and extreme terrain breaks (cliffs, retaining walls, etc.). PAMAP data are organized into blocks, which do not have gaps or overlaps, that represent 10,000 feet by 10,000 feet on the ground. The coordinate system for blocks in the northern half of the state is Pennsylvania State Plane North (datum:NAD83, units: feet); blocks in the southern half of the state are in Pennsylvania State Plane South. A block name is formed by concatenating the first four digits of the State Plane northing and easting defining the block's northwest corner, the State identifier "PA", and the State Plane zone designator "N" or "S" (e.g. 45001210PAS).